Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Quite Proud of Herself!

, originally uploaded by willowdawn.

We took a small break from the eternal home improvement projects to spend some time at my mother-in-law's boat with visiting family. Boozilla drove the jet skit back to the boat with her "trophy" on the back. Don't worry, the smoke is due to the wrong fuel mixture being used... it's not going to combust any time soon.

Anyone looking to buy a boat? All this can be yours!


Jennifer said...

OMG, that is too funny! I am terrified of jet skis but my daughter loves them! You tell her she rocks!!

Ellen said...

Lol! I love jet skis too, it's so fun. Your dd looks so proud, like she just caught a whale or something! Haha. Awesome capture, definitely one for the scrapbook. Or living room :)

Christie said...

LOL, that does look like a blast! She should be proud.

willowonthewater.com said...

Thanks ladies! She loves this picture and has told many many people that she drove the jet ski back to the boat. Maybe I'll print it big for my brother-in-law for his birthday! (He's her trophy and it's his jet ski.)

aboutimage said...

lol, good for her!