Tuesday, June 5, 2007

, originally uploaded by willowdawn.

My hubby is assuming that the paint fumes have gone to my head... at least he hopes it's the paint! Actually, I've always wanted a mohawk and my very serious life has prevented it. I have a one month window to be absolutely stupid with my hair. The fact that my teenage daughter thinks it's soooo cool that she got to give it to me is just gravy!

Oh yeah, changed the music to something a little more fitting. I love the band Live and we are going to see them in concert tomorrow night! YEAH!


Jennifer said...

you totally rock, I love the new hairdo, so cool!

Unknown said...

Lady... I so want to take your portrait now.

Not that you weren't a sweet rocker chick before. But now you're a sweet rocker chick with a crazy do.

I just have to find an outrageous nose ring for you, maybe some blue hair spray...

Do you like how I have this all planned out? HA!

Oh yea. love the cut.

aboutimage said...

Wow, you are a brave gal!

Tanya said...

i want one too!!! You look great!

Christie said...

look at you, it looks awesome on you! i could never pull off a cut like that, it's just not in me.