Monday, June 18, 2007

Spotsylvania Film Festival

, originally uploaded by willowdawn.

Our church has a motto:
"Loving God, Loving People
Turning the World Upside Down"

So to love our neighbors, we did free face painting at the Spotsylvania Film Festival. I say "we" but I had little to nothing to do with it, other than birth one of the artists! AJ and Julie painted the faces, arms and sometimes feet of nearly 200 kids! They took requests and painted what ever the child wanted. I had planned on helping paint, but when I saw what these two talented ladies could do, I knew any poor kid that stuck in my line would be sorely dissapointed. They loved it so much that even when the sun went down and the movie started, they wouldn't leave. We finally had to stop allowing kids in line and turn our truck around so the gals could paint in the light from the headlights! They painted non-stop from 6:00 till 10:00 p.m. They were awesome and the kids loved it!


aboutimage said...

Wow, that's great! Way to make use of light!!!

Christie said...

that is a very cool sort of outreach.

the light in this picture is very nice, moody.

Anonymous said...

Great photo and what a wonderful and fun outreach you all provided. This is my 1st visit to your blog, and I must say your profile made me giggle...enjoyed the humor. Your photos are beautiful, hope you don't mind if I return and check your blog out again sometime. :o)

Jennifer said...

Wow, you and your kids sound amazing and so giving, that was so sweet! I bet they had so much fun!! You made me laugh with the "Birth the artist", thats funny!!

Lulu said...

Loooovely light- just lovely. :)

I love the motto as well. :)