Saturday, August 4, 2007

Beautiful Senior

Tosha-(17-of-59)-copy.jpg, originally uploaded by willowdawn.

Isn't she gorgeous? She had such beautiful skin and eyes. And a sweetie to boot!


Christie said...

you know i LOVE these! i'm so impressed and inspired by how well you used your flash. great job! said...

Thanks Christie! She is so beautiful that it was easy to get great pictures of her. After proofing the photos, I realized that my face hurt. I had been smiling back at her in my screen. She has such a beautiful smile, I couldn't help myself!

Ellen said...

Willow, you know I love these! Lol I'm actually laughing out loud at your face hurting, that's so funny but totally something that would happen to me. And I meant to tell you on ILP but I forgot that I was happy to see that graffiti again, although I'm sad there's no more snowman ;)

Jennifer said...

oh wow she is beautiful, gorgeous capture!